Station 2: The Skull

Read the description of the bones of the skull below, and then identify the bones labeled in the 3D skill image embedded at the end of the section.

The skull is the bony framework of the head. It is comprised of the eight cranial and fourteen facial bones.  The cranium articulates with the first cervical vertebra (the atlas) by means of the occipital condyles. The occipital condyles lie on the anterolateral borders of the foramen magnum (“large hole”).  The spinal cord passes through the foramen magnum on its way from the brain to the vertebral column.

Cranial Bones

The cranial bones makeup the protective frame of bone around the brain.
The cranial bones are:

  • The frontal forms part of the cranial cavity as well as the forehead, the brow ridges and the nasal cavity.
  • The left and right parietal forms much of the superior and lateral portions of the cranium.
  • The left and right temporal form the lateral walls of the cranium as well as housing the external ear.
  • The occipital forms the posterior and inferior portions of the cranium. Many neck muscles attach here as this is the point of articulation with the neck.

The joints between bones of the skull are immovable and called sutures. These sites are the common location of fontanelles or “soft spots” on a baby’s head.

Facial Bones

The facial bones makeup the upper and lower jaw and other facial structures. The facial bones are:

  • The mandible is the lower jawbone. It articulates with the temporal bones at the temporomandibular joints. This forms the only freely moveable joint in the head. It provides the chewing motion.
  • The left and right maxilla are the upper jaw bones. They form part of the nose, orbits, and roof of the mouth.
  • The left and right zygomatic are the cheek bones. They form portions of the orbits as well.
  • The left and right nasal form the superior portion of the bridge of the nose.

Station 3 Questions

Identify the bones labeled in the 3D skull above. Be sure to rotate the skull so you are looking directly at the number indicated (you can see the numbers through the skull if looking at the opposite side.) Click the numbers for additional descriptions of what is being asked for (not all numbers have additional descriptions).

  1. ______________________________ 6.______________________________
  2. ______________________________ 7.______________________________
  3. ______________________________ 8.______________________________
  4. ______________________________ 9.______________________________
  5. ______________________________
